No-Bake Woolworth Icebox Cheesecake



No-Bake Woolworth Icebox Cheesecake

  1. “Indulge in the essence of nostalgia and delectable sweetness with our No-Bake Woolworth Icebox Cheesecake. This delightful creation pays homage to the beloved classic from decades past, offering a taste of simple elegance and timeless flavors. Imagine layers of velvety cream cheese filling, gently set atop a buttery graham cracker crust that melts in your mouth. Topped with a medley of vibrant fruits and a drizzle of sweet glaze, each slice is a tribute to the joy of uncomplicated desserts. With every forkful, you’ll experience the harmonious blend of silky textures and the burst of flavors that capture the heart of cherished recipes. Whether enjoyed as a delightful treat for picnics, a nostalgic twist on special occasions, or a way to relish the beauty of no-fuss baking, our No-Bake Woolworth Icebox Cheesecake promises a culinary journey that captures the spirit of timeless taste and the pleasure of savoring memories in every delectable bite.”


No-Bake Woolworth Icebox Cheesecake


  • 1 (3 oz.) package lemon jello

  • 1 cup boiling water

  • 3 cups graham cracker crumbs

  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted

  • 1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese

  • 1 cup granulated sugar

  • 4 tablespoons lemon juice

  • 1 (12 oz.) can evaporated milk, chilled


  • :In a medium bowl, dissolve jello in boiling water. Let cool 5-10 minutes, or until slightly thick.
  • While jello cools, mix 3/4 graham cracker crumbs with melted butter in a medium bowl, then press into the bottom of 9×13-inch pan and set aside. Reserve remaining crumbs for topping.
  • In a medium bowl, beat evaporated milk until whipped and fluffy. 2-4 minutes.
  • In a separate, large bowl, beat cream cheese, sugar and lemon juice together until smooth. Add in thickened jello, then fold in whipped evaporated milk.
  • Spread filling evenly over crust and top with reserved graham cracker crumbs.
  • Cover and chill at least 2 hours, or overnight. Slice, serve, and enjoy!

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